Keller Williams Realty Partners
מספר רישיון: 142433 - OK / Realtor ב- Debra Taylor Real Estate Team
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל


In 2002, I took a chance and decided to pursue Real Estate as my new career. After working several years for another agency, I decided to take my business to the next level and made the move to Keller Williams Realty Bartlesville in 2008.

I am extremely pleased with the choice that I have made. Not only have I had the pleasure of watching the company that I love to grow, but my business has doubled.

Since moving to Keller Williams Realty in 2008, I was voted Most Cooperative Realtor by my peers and in 2010 was voted Best Realtor in Bartlesville by the community.

This is a true honor as I pride myself on providing quality services to all of my customers.
I specialize in residential, rural, and new construction.

If you or someone you know is looking to buy, sell, or invest in Real Estate it would be a privilege to be your Realtor!

הפרטים שלי
שפות English
התמחויות וייעודים Realtor Associate
מרכז השוק Bartlesville
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