Keller Williams Realty Partners
Adam Bright
Keller Williams Realty
Bartlesville, OK
Número de llicència: OK 173483 KS 239830 - OK / Real Estate Agent a les Adam Bright
Cada oficina de Keller Williams® és propietat i opera de manera independent

Sobre mi

My name is Adam Bright. I have had the privilege of serving the general public for the last 10 years and have become quite sensitive to the needs and desires of people. I have decided to put into action some of these skills in the real estate industry. I look forward to diligently serving your real estate desires and needs!

I deal with each client on a personal level and every deal I treat as if it were my own. I work hard to expedite the process smoothly and efficiently.

Now let’s go Buy, Sell, and/or Invest in Real Estate!

Els meus detalls
CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Realty
Adam Bright
Real Estate Agent OK 173483 KS 239830
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